Posted by: Michael Rickicki | 11/15/2012

Returning to the Theme – Staying Afloat on the Seas of Change


Banjar, Brahmavihara, mini Borobudur


Returning to the theme of the brahma viharas during one’s daily life is difficult to say the least. That long span of time between my morning meditation and my evening one (on those days when I’m able to rouse the energy) often finds me losing hold of metta and drifting wholly into unwholesome thought, speech and deed.


Lately, however, I’ve come up with a kind off practice regimen that helps to keep me focused or at least circling around the divine abodes without going to far afield in the course of the day. In essence I have more less decided that every day I should do the following at least once a day:


  • Cultivate the brahma viharas during a morning seated meditation
  • Listen to a Dhamma talk
  • Post here in this blog on the topic of the braha viharas
  • Use my mala while commuting or walking outside to internally repeat the mantra “metta-karuna-muditaupekkha
  • Radiate loving-kindness to all beings that I come across during the day and returning to the above mantra when I find myself with idle time (which is rare)
  • Give to whoever asks during the course of the day
  • Chant verses of loving-kindness and parittas in thee evening and do at east 15 minute formal seated meditation


I really find that the mantra, the Dhamma talk and the seated, morning meditation help to keep me on course during even the most hectic of days. I’ve come to realize that my life at present isn’t well suited to the development of one-pointed concentration practices which require (of me) a lot less in terms of duties and responsibilities and a lot more time to devote to formal meditation and have always been drawn to the brahma viharas. Thee fact that these subjects of contemplation and practices are directed towards our brother and sisters in birth, old age and death make them particularly well-suited to a life of social engagement. This is not to say that I don’t value concentration practices–to the contrary I hold them in high-esteem and think they’re indispensable to the path but, with two kids and a company to run i may be awhile until I can devote the time required.


Please forgive me for rambling on and may this be of some benefit!


Sabbītiyo vivajjantu
sabbarogo vinassatu
mā te bhava tvan tarayo
sukhī dighā yuko bhava




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